NPI webinar

In this webinar we show you how to get products characterized across all conditions efficiently and then released into production.

Learn about key NPI (New Product Introduction) services for Test Development Engineers. You will see examples of how to get products characterized across all conditions efficiently and then released into production. Moreover, you will learn how yieldHUB helps you with key steps to release, namely:


Find out how you can speed up a key part of the NPI process with practical features like virtual retest and outlier analysis built into our automated, scalable, cloud-based solution for characterization.

Gage R&R

Learn how you can quickly detect any tests that are sensitive to set-up so you can fix them before release. This enables you to begin ramping with the confidence, knowing you have consistent yields across any combination of sites, testers and interface cards.

Drift analysis

Learn how you can quickly analyse drift across all your tests when you do the likes of burn-in and life test or temperature guard-banding, without resorting to cumbersome and error-prone spreadsheets.

The 30-minute webinar is designed for Test Development Engineers and Engineering Managers.

It can be accessed here.

Take control of your product releases with our services.